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Gift Card Policy


The Gift Card is not a credit or charge Gift Card.


Nagihan Seymour Gift Cards can be exchanged for products and teaching online at only.


The balance on the Gift Card may be used for full or part payment of the GB pounds sterling cost of Nagihan Seymour products and teaching at only. To check your remaining balance please email


No change will be given but any unused balance will remain on the Gift Card and may be applied to future purchases. If you have an unused balance after a purchase please email and we will issue a new coupon code for the balance to be used on


Gift Cards can be used towards the purchase of goods at a higher price than its face value upon payment of the difference.


The Gift Card cannot be exchanged or redeemed in whole or part for cash, and has no fixed expiry date or service fees.


Promotional offers may not apply to Gift Card purchases.


No VAT is charged when buying the Gift Card, but purchases paid for using the Gift Card are subject to VAT.


Keep the Gift Card safe and treat it as cash. We will not accept any liability for lost, stolen or damaged Gift Cards or for any remaining balance on the Gift Card.


If you have made an online payment with a Gift Card in whole or part and any item paid for using the Gift Card is accepted for return (subject to our returns policy) the amount owing will be credited back to your gift card and a new coupon code issued.


Please refer to our returns policy for more information on returns.


We may withdraw or cancel the Gift Card and require an alternative form of payment if we suspect that the Gift Card may have been stolen or fraudulently used. Further action may also be taken.


We reserve the right to amend or supplement these conditions or discontinue the Gift Card at any time.


Redemption of Gift Cards Online 


To use a Gift Card in full or part payment for orders made Online:


  • When proceeding to checkout, select ‘Enter a promo code’.

  • Enter the 10 digit card number found on the Gift Card attachment.

  • Select the ‘APPLY’ button to proceed with the payment.


If the value of the items purchased online is less than the total value of the Gift Card, please email us at and we will issue you with another code to be used on for a future purchases.


If the value of the items purchased online is more than the total value of the Gift Card, you will need to pay the balance using additional Gift Cards , or a credit/debit card.


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